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Duration: 04:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-07 13:26:26 User: gamedaily :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: GameDaily checked out Warhawk on the PS3 and has hands on video with some light commentary goodness. See what PS3's Warhawk has to offer a FPS enthusiasts. Want to see more GDC & Gaming content? Please visit us at: (http://gdc.gamedailyxl.com) & tell them YouTube sent you! |
Comments | |
YaaBoiii ::: Favorites there is a place where u can stick ur memorycard in for ps1 and ps2 its in this one slot u just open it in the front of the ps3 and ull c them there and this game is way better than halo 3 no questions asked 07-09-25 21:34:15 __________________________________________________ | |
blackdymeond ::: Favorites WARHAWK rulez and I know u 360 and wii fans are jealous.wii is gay and Xbox live is too expencive but when the PS3 price goes down I,ll get it blu ray rulez!! but I wish there was a place 2 stick you PS2 memcard I still wanna play my Rachet and Jak gamez. 07-09-23 08:12:48 __________________________________________________ | |
blue1161 ::: Favorites add me psn: sunnydaman. im really good and this game rocks. doing this from my ps3 lol. 07-09-22 23:43:24 __________________________________________________ | |
Kimboy0210 ::: Favorites psn: eddy38, soon 2 have WARHAWK 10.07 07-09-20 03:46:38 __________________________________________________ | |
TheRandyChimp ::: Favorites ADD ME PSN: RandyChimp I have Resistance and Splinter Cell, soon gettin Warhawk!!!! SEE U IN THE SKY!!! 07-09-09 16:52:26 __________________________________________________ | |
nagrom74 ::: Favorites add me too steven74 07-09-05 14:52:20 __________________________________________________ | |
91latinboy ::: Favorites add me !!!!!! m3xic4n_843 07-09-04 19:46:35 __________________________________________________ | |
vinceismyname ::: Favorites Maybe they're not concerned about those billions in losses but the Microsoft shareholders sure are... I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft pulls a Nintendo next gen. A cheap console for casual gamers. Microsoft is about making money, they were supposed to make profit this year for the first time but they failed yet again to do so. 07-09-01 19:02:49 __________________________________________________ | |
chango714 ::: Favorites I know they haven't, but try telling that to a 360 fanboy and they will respond with " SO!,it doesn't even hurt M$ because they already have billions" ..."sigh" ...those fucken 360 fags. 07-09-01 17:51:09 __________________________________________________ | |
Nic9194 ::: Favorites haha gears of war is the best game and metroid prime 3 07-09-01 14:27:38 __________________________________________________ |
Sunday, September 30, 2007
GDC 2007: Warhawk PS3 (with commentary)
unnan no kibun ha joujou 第91回 1/3
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Duration: 07:34 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-29 06:42:31 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: ウンナンの気分は上々。1998年 「上々メンバーを広げよう!前編」 |
「ザ・イロモネア6」1 OP
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Duration: 07:01 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-28 11:05:59 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 2007/9/28 |
Comments | |
teruyaki ::: Favorites 観られないので嬉しいです!ありがとうございます。イロモネアをフルで観るのって初めてです。 07-09-28 19:13:24 __________________________________________________ |
PotterCast Tour Vlog #5
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Duration: 05:34 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-28 20:12:03 User: leakynewsdotcom :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Hufflepuff honey, Slytherin guacamole |
Comments | |
abug3210 ::: Favorites Sorting food. Awesome. 07-09-10 16:30:40 __________________________________________________ | |
SFinspired ::: Favorites wow. naming foods. i laughed and died. did the margaritas have anything to do with the result? 07-09-06 20:48:02 __________________________________________________ | |
MimeSquad ::: Favorites LOL! Hufflepuff hat! Slytherin Guacamole! Gryffindor napkin! You guys crack me up! 07-08-26 21:43:58 __________________________________________________ | |
meadowsweetness ::: Favorites You are all so crazy!!!!!! Your my idols! 07-08-19 00:22:25 __________________________________________________ | |
gryffindoritalia ::: Favorites This is hilarious!! How come y'all couldn't find a way to slip up to Colorado??? RAVENCLAW SUGAR PACKETS!!! Yep, we're smart enough to come up with that =D 07-08-18 17:55:26 __________________________________________________ | |
mariathepirate ::: Favorites Melissa, you seriously look related to Sean Astin. :) 07-07-05 18:16:23 __________________________________________________ | |
maryclarezim ::: Favorites Syltherine Gaucomole! Yahhhh! It was TOTTALLY a Hufflepuff hate, Sue. Don't let them tell you otherwise! See you all in Naperville for the release! 07-07-02 14:15:47 __________________________________________________ | |
1YellowHippo ::: Favorites haha, this looks fun! melissa, avacados come from trees not vines! 07-07-01 01:03:53 __________________________________________________ | |
moviefreak91 ::: Favorites you guys rock! 07-07-01 01:01:28 __________________________________________________ | |
clouclouchan ::: Favorites Live right on the border my friends, El Paso...er ish! Im so glad you guys were able to get a real taste of the yummyness! Love you guys! *hugs and squeees* 07-06-30 23:14:46 __________________________________________________ |
"What Goes Around" - Justin Timberlake - Electric Version
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Duration: 02:50 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-30 17:33:59 User: davidchoimusic :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: http://www.myspace.com/davidchoimusic |
Comments | |
ZxMirandaxZ ::: Favorites your voice just fits so wonderfully with the song . ah iwoveyouu <3 ! 07-09-25 17:01:03 __________________________________________________ | |
ILuvMusic50 ::: Favorites Hi David! Im korean too! You think you could teach me guitar? lol 07-09-21 18:52:18 __________________________________________________ | |
krazyd1983 ::: Favorites Damn dude. That is off the hook. I really like that song, but for real you just made it that much better. Major props 07-09-20 23:41:14 __________________________________________________ | |
ashuron69 ::: Favorites woot. 07-09-18 23:53:54 __________________________________________________ | |
lestggr ::: Favorites Dude how do you do it...... Make the song yours and way better then the original? Sweet 07-09-18 21:35:39 __________________________________________________ | |
CoolTokyoLife ::: Favorites do more alternative songs man.. you will rock.. 07-09-18 16:35:36 __________________________________________________ | |
HannahhxoHoneyy ::: Favorites love it =D 07-09-16 21:54:26 __________________________________________________ | |
alejandro86 ::: Favorites I'm amazed. Congratulations! 07-09-14 01:18:13 __________________________________________________ | |
dave291089 ::: Favorites David you're great... congratulations! 07-09-10 17:39:38 __________________________________________________ | |
SCgirl73 ::: Favorites another one of your covers so much better than the original :) 07-09-09 19:37:08 __________________________________________________ |
L/R Licensed by Royal 次回予告 2/2
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Duration: 02:47 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-02 11:53:41 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: アニメ「L/R -Licensed by Royal- 」 次回予告 #007、#008、#009、#010、#011、#012&13 |
L/R Licensed by Royal #003 2/3
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Duration: 07:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-01 01:52:18 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: アニメ「L/R」 #003 Bパート 3話「少女、都へ行く/A girl goes to city」 |
nepuri-gu 2007/9/3 (1/6)
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Duration: 09:58 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-04 11:23:33 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 2007/9/3 |
GameDaily - "Lost Planet" - One Minute Review
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Duration: 01:05 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-12 13:52:08 User: gamedaily :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: GameDaily's One Minute Video Review of Capcom's latest "Lost Planet" for the Xbox 360. |
Comments | |
Ishimaru4Death ::: Favorites yea lol. lost planet, GOW , halo3 there all awsome. 07-09-08 15:02:42 __________________________________________________ | |
captainsoban ::: Favorites yeah, takes like 5 to ten minutes to get used to everything, then its just fine tuning, i think video game reviewers just suck at most things with guns that are not halo, and thus hate them. 07-08-12 21:26:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Xankar1 ::: Favorites i dont agree, the controls are not difficult and online dosnt get boring quickly, though story mode is kinda outthere 07-06-27 14:58:46 __________________________________________________ | |
clkgtr42 ::: Favorites i've never played the game or own a 360, but i also think it is awesome 07-06-12 18:02:50 __________________________________________________ | |
lead111 ::: Favorites i agree with wot the nerd on tha vid sed 07-06-06 07:34:58 __________________________________________________ | |
ThePenguineKing ::: Favorites I didn't think the controls were very difficult 07-05-31 01:02:05 __________________________________________________ | |
xxNBAxx ::: Favorites u guys r on crack. i bought this game and its ace.lol 07-02-13 14:18:09 __________________________________________________ | |
atlitalien ::: Favorites did they only spend a minute playing it too? 07-01-30 22:39:36 __________________________________________________ | |
atlitalien ::: Favorites did they only spend a minute on it? 07-01-30 22:38:02 __________________________________________________ | |
DevilsUpload ::: Favorites Its an awesome game as well controls are extremely easy.... For some reason ever reviewer magazine... Have way different opions of the game.... Multi player is awesome as well.... 07-01-28 13:38:27 __________________________________________________ |
unnan no kibun ha joujou 第81回 2/3
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Duration: 06:04 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-22 10:56:31 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: ウンナンの気分は上々。1998年 「英会話を習おう!第5弾」 |
Woody Austin - "Going Deep for the Team"
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Duration: 00:13 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-28 20:05:55 User: CarpoMcDivot :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: BTW, he dried himself off and proceded to birdie the last three holes, after being down 2&3, to halve the match for the Americans. |
Comments | |
selfreflectionII ::: Favorites I like this he is going swimming but it looks cold he is still wearing clothes and pretends he is playing golf but goes in anyway but does not stay for long probably for the cold reason and everybody laughs because he is only wearing one glove!!! I watch this film over and over again so funny. I wonder if he find the glove?! It would be wet anyway that is funny too if he put in on again afterwards. So funny. I am laughing with tears. RHOFLFGLOL! Don't missing glove me bro! 07-09-30 05:00:12 __________________________________________________ | |
gymer15 ::: Favorites woody won't have a woody for a while after that plunge 07-09-30 00:38:12 __________________________________________________ | |
xxxxnova ::: Favorites LOL 07-09-29 23:10:07 __________________________________________________ | |
bogee4u ::: Favorites woody has added a snorkel and mask to the bag! 07-09-29 21:52:06 __________________________________________________ | |
iiheartrelientk ::: Favorites loL!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-09-29 17:39:11 __________________________________________________ | |
someguy936 ::: Favorites ooooooooooooooooooo and hes in the drink! 07-09-29 17:35:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Bammer86 ::: Favorites I was laughing my ass off when I saw this yesterday on TV... 07-09-29 16:01:35 __________________________________________________ | |
hangover71 ::: Favorites Dought he does that again 07-09-29 15:40:52 __________________________________________________ | |
Tylerg12345 ::: Favorites I saw this happen on TV i couldnt stop lauhging LMFAO 07-09-29 15:29:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Wesdabest ::: Favorites Poor ol' Woody. Did he even hit the ball? All I saw was a gallon of water splash up. 07-09-29 12:35:39 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 07:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-07 04:48:45 User: potepote55 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 爆チュー問題「耳より」 |
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