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Duration: 188 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-13 07:16:30 User: 001kaz :::: Favorites |
Our great country Qazaqstan!! |
Comments | |
ekmeksupilav1987 ::: Favorites QARDAŞ YAXŞİ OLMUŞ KLİP MEN İSTANBULDAN TÜRKİYE uluq türkistan 07-05-09 13:22:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
JanimKZ ::: Favorites Ochen' ponravilos, super video! Sdelaite pobolshe takih, please! Odno "no": muziku tozhe Kazahskuu! 07-05-31 04:14:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
PornoAli ::: Favorites why u have this fuckin nazi sound in this video? turk turk turk 07-06-01 17:12:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
ejderhan87 ::: Favorites güzel olmuş=jakhsi bolmush 07-06-03 14:20:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
anuar1974 ::: Favorites Thank you. Let everybody KNOW...WE ARE STRONG.....ARMY STRONG... KEEP GROWING, KAZAKHSTAN 07-06-03 15:40:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
anuar1974 ::: Favorites despite of good video, you, man, have done....music you used doesn't sound right and good....change music...the rest is good 07-06-03 16:00:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
BoulevardBou ::: Favorites osturkische waffenverbande der ss 07-06-05 16:32:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bahtibey ::: Favorites Jaraysin Kazak! Alga! 07-06-20 02:56:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
armanagay ::: Favorites A'lde-nemene bolip shikti! Kazaktardi mazaktagan sekildi boldi. Amerikandik ushaktar! Ol ne? Al muzika kanday? Kazaktardi adam dep kormeytin nazistterdin muzikasi ma? Uyat boldi goy, oy-bay! 07-07-08 09:00:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
BoulevardBou ::: Favorites uyat emes, muzika jaksi. osturkische waffenverbande der ss degen kazaktar emes be? 07-07-12 08:28:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Monday, July 30, 2007
Uluq Qazaqstan
ed edd y eddy-cap español parte 1
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Duration: 606 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-19 11:46:31 User: itsarhaymemo :::: Favorites |
capitulo en español latino |
Comments | |
jugosilloso ::: Favorites Muy buenas las voces de los Eds en español latino, pena que no haya podido escuchar las de las hermanas esas; siembre jorabando. :D 07-07-28 14:49:19 _____________________________________________________ |
Türkiye'nin Renkli Seçim Tarihi 3.Kısım : 1920 Yılı
Moon Landing A Fake or Fact part 2
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Duration: 501 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-20 14:20:03 User: rotemdarvish :::: Favorites |
This is not an 'ordinary' documentary... It's intent is to inform and entertain the viewer, but also to shake him up, make him aware of the fact that television can get it wrong (intentionally or not) .We want to achieve this aim by using a universally known event (the landing on the Moon) that is surrounded by question marks (which is a fact) and spin some tale around it, that sounds plausible but isn't a fact (although there are elements in it that are real!). Confused? It will all be revealed before the end of the film... once the viewer is hooked, strung along and starts really wondering. The Message is simple.. Do not believ what you see on Television or in the News.. |
Baykal Ortaya Çıktı : Rodos'a Yüzmeyeceğim ; Şaka Şaka !
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Duration: 230 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-24 06:59:09 User: SurprisTv :::: Favorites |
CHP Lideri Deniz Baykal Ortaya Çıktı : Rodos'a Yüzmeme Gerek Yok, Yola Devam Dedi! 22 temmuz 2007 Seçim Sonuçları Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi Genç Parti Demokrat Parti AK Parti Saadet Partisi Işçi Partisi |
Comments | |
XXMISCIXX ::: Favorites hahahahahahaha ulan ayıp be mılletın gözüne baka baka at tut sonra sak saka de baykal belkı bu yüzde 47 de sakadır hee:) 07-07-25 08:55:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
yoladevamm ::: Favorites şaka kıs şaka şakaaaaa :)) şakkacı oğlan seniii... :) 07-07-25 10:38:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
selim53 ::: Favorites bari yaşından başından çoluğundan çocuğundan utan 07-07-25 13:36:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuttti ::: Favorites İnsanda biraz onur olur, bu kadarına da yuh artık yuh! Başarısız oldum, istifa ediyorum de artık bee CHP artık BİT-MİŞ-TİR. Bu ülke ne çektiyse böyle becereksiz kişiliksiz siyasetçilerden çekti. Tayyibi sen getirdin başımıza.. Hem Atatürk'ün değerlerine sahip çıkacak, hem de dünyadaki gelişmelere ayak uyduracak ve en önemlisi bunları halka adam gibi anlatacak yepyeni bir partiye ve onu yönetecek lidere ihtiyaç var. ÖZÜR DİLE BİZDEN ONURSUZ ADAM! 07-07-25 16:33:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
1912MARCO ::: Favorites baykal sen insanları seçmenleri taraftarlarını şaka mizah yapılacak bi topluluk olarak gördüğünüde açklamış oldun.. 07-07-26 00:52:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
kingpegasuss ::: Favorites Turkiyede siyaset yapmanın, "kaybedersem rodosa yuzerim" mantığıyla ne kadar ucuz yapıldığının kanıtıdır. yenilgiden sonra da "şaka yaptım " gibi bir acıklama yapılması da ne kadar laçka siyasetçilerin olduğunun bir gostergesidir. bu basit olayda bile sözünde durmayan adam secim oncesi millete verdigi vaatlerin ne kadar arkasinda durabilir ki?? CHP liler lütfen baykaldan sonraki baskaniniz en azindan rodosa kadar yuzme yetenegine sahip olsun:) 07-07-26 10:51:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
izmitortam ::: Favorites sikik baykal amk cumhuriyete ihanet elinde dümenden kefalet ipbe kılılkıoı 07-07-26 14:11:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
sinanline ::: Favorites Arkadaşlar lütfen bu kadar acımasızca eleştirmeyin. sayın Baykal'ın Rodos'a neden gitmediğini hepimiz biliyoruz. Mayosu yok adamcağızın suç sizde o kadar eleştireceğinize bir mayo hediye etsenize garibana...:) 07-07-28 07:59:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
zeybek45 ::: Favorites helal baba 07-07-29 20:52:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Ugur2009 ::: Favorites cuntacilarin partisi gerici ne üdügü belirsiz cenabet hal partisi pardon c.h.p ye bu millet dersini vermistir aklin yolu bir sag duyu kazanmistir bu hükümet simdiye kadar var olan en iyi hükümettir basbakanimiz tayyib erdogandir kiskananlar catlasin baykal sanada sözüm allah versin baska kapiya ayrica memleketin antalyada bile tayyib birinci yüzzüz herifler 07-07-29 21:27:19 _____________________________________________________ |
La historia de apple computer inc. capitulo 3
Star Wars PSA: Candy Wagon
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Duration: 41 seconds Upload Time: 06-12-21 15:59:57 User: wwwBLACK20com :::: Favorites |
From Black20, another Public Service Announcement from a galaxy far, far away. And for more Star Wars PSAs and other daily content, visit Black20.com! |
Comments | |
bpreston17 ::: Favorites hehe! I love these. Gotta luv the Ford Taurus wagon. 07-06-11 16:34:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
PiOume ::: Favorites Thx for doing such good vidz !! 07-06-12 10:28:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
ScytherTV ::: Favorites lol funny, but has a serious point to it :) well not the hole jedi thing but the stranger thing! :P 07-06-25 23:49:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
VideoNoob22 ::: Favorites When the kid says "i dont know" it just sounds so weird as if he wants to,lol!Great though,funny but serious 07-06-30 00:32:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Flueeee ::: Favorites Oh I love it!!! Damn That's really great! 5 stars +FAV 07-07-07 18:32:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
tearsandrainx ::: Favorites LMAO that was hilarious 07-07-14 10:51:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
faisalyeah ::: Favorites it's true guys. never go with someone u don't know. it could be a sith LOL 07-07-15 16:47:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
Aqpaz ::: Favorites it's funny 07-07-18 00:03:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
queridashowsbabeg ::: Favorites See girls on cam and meet them! Only at CAMAZONCAMS dot COM 07-07-28 08:42:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxmarlenee ::: Favorites :]]] I LOVE THIS VIDEO ! 07-07-29 14:28:59 _____________________________________________________ |
ungoy nag lalaro nang guitara
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Duration: 172 seconds Upload Time: 07-02-08 21:45:36 User: pinoylp :::: Favorites |
my new guitar im trying to get used to it. :D |
Comments | |
pangetska ::: Favorites hahaha ayus kso bitin 07-02-09 07:57:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
pinoylp ::: Favorites too many porn video in my pc.. running out of room. hahahah 07-02-09 12:06:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
robibm2003 ::: Favorites Nice job! 07-02-09 10:35:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
pinoylp ::: Favorites thnx man 07-02-10 10:43:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
johann12 ::: Favorites For the Love of God...man ur fuckin good! 07-03-26 01:38:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
crispaker ::: Favorites kakahorny ! ahihihihi! 07-04-20 11:22:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
acdc126 ::: Favorites steve vai couldnt hear a difference. good job! great tone! 07-04-29 18:06:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
haynakaw999 ::: Favorites hehe astig tol 07-05-01 14:38:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
haynakaw999 ::: Favorites san mo nakukuha back tracks? 07-05-01 14:39:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
soulshaderz ::: Favorites tol galing.. steve vai.. for the love of god. nice song.. nice feelings. 07-07-02 00:57:22 _____________________________________________________ |
Akward and future suprise.
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Duration: 115 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-25 21:23:26 User: Daxflame :::: Favorites |
I want to tour colleges. I have a HUGE HUGE suprise coming up! Akward class situation. |
Comments | |
Wuayker ::: Favorites What are the news TELL ME!!!! 07-07-14 23:49:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnimeZombie91 ::: Favorites I enjoy watching DaxFlame flaunt his bitchness and embarass himmself on camera, as well as his crying and terrifying mad face. I make mean comments because I know he's not real and they're supposed to be funny (obviously someone doesn't gat the joke) and they are also here as bookmarks so I can see which of his videos I saw already. 07-07-15 00:10:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
pkoster25 ::: Favorites Thats great you want to go on tour...pretty cool dude! 07-07-15 03:16:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
lethalj21 ::: Favorites dumb canook 07-07-15 21:19:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
corncornrocks ::: Favorites wtf wher r ur vids u removed them 07-07-17 23:17:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheBombio ::: Favorites Dax during a test, the reason that it's silent is so its easier to focus on the test and that way your attention isn't else where. 07-07-19 20:50:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
date4darthvader ::: Favorites there is only one america 07-07-20 23:31:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
PrinzessHelen ::: Favorites ice tee?? ow i know greenteegurlie!! 07-07-21 12:46:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
BadPudding ::: Favorites It was during a fucking test. Retard. 07-07-22 03:34:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Number1Hurdler ::: Favorites xD I think DaxFlame is halarious 07-07-26 09:39:22 _____________________________________________________ |
Build Samurai Armor! Become an ancient warrior the indie way
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Duration: 140 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-23 19:02:37 User: indymogul :::: Favorites |
BFX reproduces the ornate armor of the Samurai for under $50. ----- If you have a request for BFX send us an email at comments@indymogul.com or visit the FXRequest page on IndyMogul.com ----- |
Comments | |
micney ::: Favorites DIY OR DIE 07-07-28 01:33:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
Cree80r ::: Favorites dremel 07-07-28 05:27:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
ehtdalcynoom ::: Favorites funny..BUT...isnt there a way of getting a "longer" but "clearer" version of this video in more..."details"?? anyway...great job dude..(I'd Waste my time on such things josephterence...) (^_^") 07-07-28 08:28:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
ATBStudios ::: Favorites go on his website and its the full epidode and there should be step by step stuff. 07-07-28 09:43:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
khmaz ::: Favorites fuck you 07-07-29 14:58:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
15JAC619 ::: Favorites i know that but for some reason it wont work with my computer 07-07-29 15:12:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
pwnwner ::: Favorites wheelis prosperaco! lol the movie sucked, had nothing to do with the book, neville found the room of requirement? wtf? dobby did that, when did they make the giant's name into Grubby? in the movie, duh 07-07-29 15:18:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
kyonoodles ::: Favorites You move your mouth very widely. 07-07-29 16:02:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
xocalisportxo ::: Favorites can it stop a gay comments? 07-07-29 19:28:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
theminutemaids ::: Favorites ino its hella stupid, they arent even showing dobby any more. and didnt the name it grawp? 07-07-29 20:12:20 _____________________________________________________ |
lost 3.15 preview
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Duration: 28 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-28 23:33:51 User: DoctorArzt :::: Favorites |
looks like we're gonna have some chained heat cat fight action next week. |
Comments | |
requiemoftruth ::: Favorites Woot!! Catfight! Kate is a tough as nails fugitive. She'll take Juliet in a second. 07-03-29 04:34:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
chikitasurfita ::: Favorites I LOVE KATE!! I cant wait for this ep! Evi can kick ass so bad! 07-03-29 05:38:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
annabellelostfan ::: Favorites i cant wait for the next epie!! im a total lostie and a big jater!! i think kate will kill juliet but kate wont die shes a main character and if they kill her off i will stop watching lost for ever (thats a lie if i missed one episode id die!) 07-03-30 18:08:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
FunkehHumour ::: Favorites kick ass biatche! 07-04-05 17:18:46 _____________________________________________________ |
Brotherhood 2.0: April 24: Moving
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Duration: 144 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-24 16:21:32 User: vlogbrothers :::: Favorites |
In which John talks about moving. And Judy Blume. |
Comments | |
Hypsiphobic ::: Favorites nooo keep your current intro, it's great! 07-04-24 22:21:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
oosarmy ::: Favorites i vote for a new one 07-04-24 22:50:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
eggtoffee ::: Favorites change the intro but keep the music! 07-04-25 00:05:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
stphnclysmth ::: Favorites I've never noticed you spelled `communcation' correctly. Also, I second the `keep the music' vote. It makes me think of the noise that the library door in my hometown made when you opened it. 07-04-25 04:37:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
buddhalovesme ::: Favorites Indianapolis is cold as balls! 07-04-25 22:55:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
colvin30 ::: Favorites Are you kidding? I am a bona fide licensed cougar hunter. That's real nice... 07-04-26 15:30:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
elfkwest ::: Favorites i have to wonder if you keep your copy of your guilt-free three list in a book called "how to be a lady" because you think that sarah will never find it there. either because she is such a lady that she will never need the advice in that book, or because she doesn't give a crap about being a lady and therefore would never crack open that book. but probably it's just 'cause you wanted to say '"how to be a lady" in my pants.' 'cause that's funny. :) 07-05-12 20:54:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
virgiliodilo ::: Favorites people need to upload more clips like this. I prefer funnier stuff myself, check out dolphinhump. lostfrog . com , I laughed so hard I got kicked out of class! haha. 07-05-14 04:15:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
madeye0 ::: Favorites good stuff 07-07-25 22:16:13 _____________________________________________________ |
Sue me, I dare you.
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Duration: 358 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-14 22:49:11 User: littleloca :::: Favorites |
FYI- I do what I want. |
Comments | |
demandrid ::: Favorites they are only kewl if your white trash ..... tagging ..crime increase...forcing a new language upon our children...etc etc 07-07-09 20:09:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
OAXM202 ::: Favorites wow, you really do suck as an actress. 07-07-09 21:25:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
mongllod ::: Favorites why the heck do u talk with ur teeth clenched? 07-07-09 21:45:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Svhsgirl ::: Favorites Oh please don't go there with that stereotyping trash, its getting kinda old. Demandrid 07-07-10 03:17:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
MileyCFan010 ::: Favorites ???? My friend carla is living in Japan. 07-07-10 13:57:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Vamoalla ::: Favorites Japanese chola??? 07-07-10 14:38:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
Vamoalla ::: Favorites So she doesn't get lipstick on them. 07-07-10 14:38:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
MileyCFan010 ::: Favorites lol no, she is just visiting. lawl. 07-07-10 15:41:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
neam88 ::: Favorites too much makeup honey.. 07-07-11 13:16:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
FiferGirl ::: Favorites i cnt make out a thing yer talkin about lass!!:|... 07-07-26 12:05:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Soulja Boy and UNK Show Part 2
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Duration: 53 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-03 14:04:12 User: SouljaBoy :::: Favorites |
In Memphis, TN. The Night of Soulja Boy and UNK show! |
Comments | |
coonine ::: Favorites I hate that I missed that...so close... 07-01-03 15:29:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Freakyimage ::: Favorites goddammit should have been there >:( 07-01-04 14:12:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
youngxjeezy ::: Favorites Grill In My Mouth, Ice On My Neck,... U Can't Get Like Me.... Luvin Ur Muzik Keep It Up 07-01-05 17:42:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Clowninondasnare ::: Favorites dats hard 07-01-12 18:46:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
ree4u ::: Favorites soulja boy! 07-03-25 09:48:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
shinnaraku2 ::: Favorites NOPE U CANT GET LIKE ME 07-04-15 01:23:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
RAVIN0112 ::: Favorites mane i should have been there dat shit sound crunk coause i couldent see shit.any ways im ripen dat mississippi ya digg 07-07-24 20:19:45 _____________________________________________________ |
Envelopes "Smoke In The Desert, Eating The Sand..."
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Duration: 202 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-11 07:06:09 User: BrilleRecords :::: Favorites |
Brand new video from Envelopes!! |
Comments | |
NaeJoy ::: Favorites you can do so much better than this. This is hideous. 07-05-29 20:46:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
drizstik ::: Favorites I really, really like this! YUM! 07-06-05 12:49:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Liquidcadmus ::: Favorites this looks horrible,. what was the budget for it? 5 cents? 07-06-21 12:17:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
joh2 ::: Favorites To think a band actually looked at this and thought "Hey, this looks good"... 07-06-30 06:19:44 _____________________________________________________ |
10 Random Facts about NutCheese!!!
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Duration: 71 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-30 04:29:52 User: NutCheese :::: Favorites |
I am so hardcore!!! |
Comments | |
pippin22xx ::: Favorites i like it :) ur my kinda person, ttly fun! 07-04-07 13:25:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
bartolemeo ::: Favorites Brilliant. Great getting to know you a bit :) 07-04-09 20:37:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
hellachella ::: Favorites Noice. 07-04-12 14:53:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
Elaina43 ::: Favorites very cute - I liked the dopey music! 07-04-13 02:20:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
onjoFilms ::: Favorites Those sheep kinda made me horny. 07-04-21 16:41:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
jonahhawkins258 ::: Favorites How old are you Kelley? 07-04-22 22:02:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
NutCheese ::: Favorites I'm 30 07-04-22 22:55:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
dunlapgal ::: Favorites That was awesome. I already knew number 10-obviously! LOL 07-04-28 20:54:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
wouldyoumind09 ::: Favorites cool vid... much more interesting and put together than mine 07-04-28 22:18:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sandguy99 ::: Favorites So sweet! 07-07-21 14:02:25 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 279 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-21 22:05:51 User: manufn619 :::: Favorites |
http://mangekyouitachi.piczo.com/ |
Comments | |
B17H ::: Favorites i also got bleach 285 on my profile 07-07-28 03:16:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
toniCHRYSA ::: Favorites i have manga 285 in my page.. in case u can't read any of them clearly 07-07-28 06:13:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
toniCHRYSA ::: Favorites u can check out mine :) 07-07-28 06:13:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
KakashiFanGirl26 ::: Favorites yea it's the newest ending from Shippuuden "Michi (To You All)" By aluto 07-07-28 12:53:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
bluecocoa7 ::: Favorites I have bleach 285 subbed! in good quality Click on my name =) 07-07-28 14:11:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
final650 ::: Favorites umm is that alones is it the full version??? it came out?? 07-07-28 15:26:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
DARKone312 ::: Favorites alone the full version already came out this is the newest shippuuden ending 07-07-28 21:08:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
l3L3ACH ::: Favorites I have naruto manga 364/bleach manga 285 on profile!! check it out!!!!! 07-07-29 02:01:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
masterbjb ::: Favorites good , watch bleach manga 285 at: youtubecom/watch?v=y5vxCLqKbsg 07-07-29 05:08:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
disturbedx1000 ::: Favorites GRIMMJOW the Tiger!!! he rules!!!! lol besides tigers are my fav animal 07-07-29 17:55:24 _____________________________________________________ |