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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-18 12:37:51 User: PricelessPeptalk :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Social life in the dumps? Watch this Priceless PepTalk from a professional. www.priceless.com/peptalks |
Comments | |
weedmuffins ::: Favorites wow lame 07-10-22 23:56:26 __________________________________________________ | |
aznriceboi ::: Favorites good dancing lol 07-10-22 23:55:51 __________________________________________________ | |
maiejnvioelsaokd ::: Favorites This is my Favorite Peptalk!! SO FUNNY! 07-10-22 23:17:54 __________________________________________________ | |
Harvick2921 ::: Favorites Peyton Manning is God of football. GO COLTS! 07-10-22 22:18:49 __________________________________________________ | |
michaelmac8 ::: Favorites He needs to stick to being a quarterback only. 07-10-22 21:55:44 __________________________________________________ | |
bosanac10109 ::: Favorites nothin fun in that really 07-10-22 18:03:26 __________________________________________________ | |
Mexicanboy2323 ::: Favorites haha 07-10-22 16:35:42 __________________________________________________ | |
SunnyDoGG ::: Favorites hahahha funny as hell 07-10-22 16:23:16 __________________________________________________ | |
nwomatt125 ::: Favorites this is funny 07-10-22 14:02:43 __________________________________________________ | |
PeaceShot ::: Favorites Lol... Funny stuff. 07-10-22 02:02:17 __________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Priceless PepTalk
Bear Attack
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Duration: 02:01 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-18 04:44:18 User: score114television :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Two hunters looking for moose in the northern part of Sweden film as they are suddenly attacked and mauled by a bear, and miraculously survive. The bear escaped but was later found and killed. |
Comments | |
MercedesBenzC199 ::: Favorites Många ofattbara inlägg.Jag gillar djur,men hur fan kan man tycka det är rätt eller kul när en annan människa blir skadad eller dör. 07-10-22 19:35:07 __________________________________________________ | |
Sulimaaren ::: Favorites nerver av stål eller vad...dom låter hur coola som helst efter att nästan ha blivit ihjälbitna 07-10-22 18:09:45 __________________________________________________ | |
KlasChrister ::: Favorites näe fy fan, de finns FÖR MYCKET björn i skogen... björnstammen har alldrig varit så stor som den är just nu, och det enda sättet är att ha en större avskjutning på björn och mindre på älg och rådjur! Av: "en älgjägare" 07-10-22 16:11:32 __________________________________________________ | |
erik1822 ::: Favorites jävla statsbor som tycker de är fint med massa rovdjur, klart de är kul när man bara der dom på tv.. 07-10-22 11:16:28 __________________________________________________ | |
0321231321321 ::: Favorites Ägda. 07-10-21 15:10:58 __________________________________________________ | |
kvampower ::: Favorites Cuvac? Du har ikke peiling. Ikke legg igjen dumme kommentarer hvis du ikke har peiling, noe som du apenbart ikke har. 07-10-21 12:19:10 __________________________________________________ | |
aktadigfetto ::: Favorites Hur är det micke ? Nä nu jävlar stack han ? 07-10-21 08:31:50 __________________________________________________ | |
tikidikidoo ::: Favorites You're the one with no clue. Humans have to stick their nose in every last thing, that's why the earth is such a fucked up place. The only healthy ecosystem would be the one that exists without human intervention.Animals shouldn't be hunted so some half wits can get their rocks off. 07-10-20 20:01:34 __________________________________________________ | |
Cuvac ::: Favorites "Så mycket kan jag ju berätta att älg"stammen" i vårat jaktlag just nu består av ungtjurar, och ensamma kor. Kalvar blir de inte, för alla kapitala tjurar är skjutna, och korna verkar då inte få till så mycket med minitjurarna som finns. " Bara ett bidrag på en svensk jaktforum. Alla vet att jägarpacket har förknullat älgstammen i Sverige. Freeaction hur våldtar man en älgstam när man bara njuter o observerar i naturen? 07-10-20 17:03:48 __________________________________________________ | |
tremeredtsm ::: Favorites the bear can't tell the difference between a hunter and a hiker dickheads. it would attack both. 07-10-20 16:56:36 __________________________________________________ |
me singing
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Duration: 03:40 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-18 15:56:58 User: KT4RL :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
kate singing. |
Comments | |
avivax ::: Favorites thanks for stoppin by my page.. your voice is so sweet... :) 07-10-20 05:52:43 __________________________________________________ | |
lyricguy1984 ::: Favorites wow amazing singing but why did you removed your vids 07-10-18 19:12:10 __________________________________________________ | |
notes1980 ::: Favorites What a beautiful voice, its so sweet...really liked your version, brill x 07-10-18 17:11:15 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 08:27 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-16 07:50:26 User: skyswimsky :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
自作改造スパルタンXとかをあの人にやらせてみた |
Comments | |
ensignuraki ::: Favorites Wow. This was one of the funniest NES game parodies I have ever seen. Most American parodies aren't anywhere near this good. 07-10-21 14:06:36 __________________________________________________ |
Dallas Cowboys Empowerment & Pep Talk
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Duration: 03:16 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-21 13:26:40 User: LuciferBeheader35 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Dallas Cowboys Empowerment & Pep Talk |
Comments | |
ZzAaCcKk13 ::: Favorites wa ? 07-10-21 13:59:15 __________________________________________________ |
When Romano Prodi Arises
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Duration: 05:56 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-19 23:52:58 User: LuciferBeheader35 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
When Romano Prodi Arises |
capcom vs snk 2 showtime
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Duration: 04:01 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-21 05:51:36 User: den23z :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
izleyin begenceksiniz.ünlü kesler var . |
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Duration: 03:21 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-21 18:08:03 User: iown10000 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
baubak owned |
Remembering Darfur
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Duration: 02:25 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-21 13:09:06 User: LuciferBeheader35 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Remembering Darfur |
Chemical Language
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Duration: 08:38 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-19 00:20:48 User: redliterocket4 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_McLuhan Language is not description, or if it is, then description is not discovery of a pre-existing world: language is the creation of a new space of awareness, the emergence of higher levels of autopoiesis. When we talk, we make art. Even science is an art. It is a technological act of poiesis (an enframed creation). Think about it, without language there can be no science. Nor could be there be thought, or at least a thinker. Objectivity is God's view of the world. An atheist who talks about objectivity may have stopped believing in God, but that is only because he has assumed God as himself. God is the archetype; atheist man kills him and steals his craft. man becomes the architect of his own creation. The requirement that an ark exist is never questioned. We cannot live without our roots. And that they are roots, we can be sure. Heaven may be a pristine cloudscape, but Earth is a muggy jungle. Nature knows no bounds, no wall can contain her. Our bodies, our voices, our language; all of it grew out of the dust of the Earth while the Sun spun around in our heads and bounced off the Moon at night. Humans learned to think by watching the sky change. |
Comments | |
Lunar25 ::: Favorites Vigraçao tudo que gira em nossa volta,energia. Namaste 07-10-22 17:50:38 __________________________________________________ | |
rapture55122 ::: Favorites mental masturbation, lol... thats a great description of it. hey, I'm guilty of it too, but not to this extent. hehe 07-10-21 20:59:11 __________________________________________________ | |
KungFuCrazyMan ::: Favorites I majored in Philosophy also. Now I realize most of it is a lot of mental masturbation. Not that there isn't depth to life, but you barely tap the surfuce with this kind of bullshit. Lets hope you snap out of it or you'll grow up like Imendham or whatever the fuck his name is. 07-10-21 11:23:25 __________________________________________________ | |
Ignare ::: Favorites The problem is where to begin, what is the start ? Scientific language or nature. If there's one. 07-10-21 00:10:14 __________________________________________________ | |
Ignare ::: Favorites the weirdest thing about the "grammaticalisation" of nature (Humbolt, linguistic turn, Wittgenstein, McLuhan, etc...)is when it's integrate with the naturalisation of langage (Quine, Chomsky, etc...) Put together these two perspectives give us a better sense of our complexity. We create by scientific language the natural reality that explain the possibily of the emergence of our scientific language that by feedback create nature, etc... 07-10-21 00:08:51 __________________________________________________ | |
redliterocket4 ::: Favorites If they were really absolute truths, they would not be rules we SHOULD be following, they would be rules we WOULD be following. Morality is all about shoulds and oughts, about social context, about obeying norms. So to be objective about it in a strong sense (that the rule is more than a human convention) doesn't seem possible. 07-10-20 17:59:16 __________________________________________________ | |
redliterocket4 ::: Favorites We can objectify morality. That is exactly what we do when we make laws and punish offenses. My argument is that these laws and punishments are artifacts and activities sustained by social convention, not some universal truths out there in the world waiting for us to find them. 07-10-20 17:59:06 __________________________________________________ | |
cosabio ::: Favorites Do you mean there is no objective morality in any case? Or do you mean there is not an objective morality that could be derived that would apply to every case? (I think I know what you mean, just being rigorous.) 07-10-20 16:17:53 __________________________________________________ | |
cardellacole1 ::: Favorites it sounds to me that we only talk to our selves, when our theories split us of from the whole,we can imagin ourselves as a whole but then get into theoretical theries which in them selves,thinking about them ,is that which causes the split the mind must remain in the whole and see from there 07-10-20 07:48:43 __________________________________________________ | |
cardellacole1 ::: Favorites yes cosabio this problem is over for me i see it the same as you 07-10-20 07:42:16 __________________________________________________ |
Broken Home
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Duration: 05:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-20 10:05:16 User: LuciferBeheader35 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Broken Home |
Love Song
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Duration: 04:05 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-20 20:49:29 User: LuciferBeheader35 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Love Song |
San Diego Fires - Sunset at Fletcher Cove, Solana Beach, CA
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Duration: 00:15 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-22 04:43:46 User: LJsurfer2002 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
A short video of the surf at sunset at Fletcher Cove in Solana Beach, San Diego, California. Today (Sunday 2007-10-21) there were several fires around Southern California and extreme Santa Ana winds caused the smoke to blow south west out to the ocean, creating this smokey red diffraction of the light at sunset, much more 'mars-like' than a normal sunset. |