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Duration: 02:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-27 11:46:36 User: No2Quran929 :::: Favorites |
Buffalo's stalk the Lion's cubs and stomp a few to bits after Lions kill a baby. |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Lion's kill baby - Buffalo stomp cubs
Re: Dumb Americans? (Or United Statians)
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Duration: 06:09 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-22 12:45:30 User: Talljim01 :::: Favorites |
Mostly to the people of Canada that would call Americans dumb, let me enlighten you. North America: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/nanewzz.gif&imgrefurl=http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/na.htm&h=460&w=463&sz=55&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=E_zgJ3WQF36SNM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnorth%2Bamerica%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG At the end I meant to say you have Canadians, Mexicans, and United Statians; I realize I said Americans etc. |
Comments | |
unstable112 ::: Favorites plus the fact, when people say americans are dumb. EVERY one knows they are refering to the citizens of THE UNITE D STATES. Sorry if i make mistakesin my spelling, english is not my native language, im dutch 07-08-27 19:51:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
unstable112 ::: Favorites they should call you barbarians, because the vikings found you first not the sapnish (america is name after amerigo vespucci) BUT they should call you barbarians that also would go with the flow 07-08-27 19:46:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
canuckflyboy ::: Favorites Although I don't for second doubt that Canada is part of the continent of North America, it just so happens that most people from the UK and British colonies simply refer to the United States of America as America, and people who come from the USA as Americans. We all know our geography, calling the USA America is just the nomenclature of the day and not an oversight on anyone's part. 07-08-23 19:40:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
GoranMak ::: Favorites You have the most intelligent response here. No "fu's" and all that. You MUST be a fellow Canadian! ;) This guy really needs to go back to school though. SERIOUSLY! 07-08-26 00:25:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
banditss ::: Favorites oh my god liste3n to everyone!!! i say fuck all this stuff... we are people and its just so sad that we are washed with the corruption politics greed and envy our systems have entrenched upon us... whateva im off to india for a month to smoke weed. dont take things so seriously... 07-08-23 08:57:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
I7R4CUL4 ::: Favorites just call people from the United States..United Stadians or Gringos 07-08-22 17:24:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
I7R4CUL4 ::: Favorites lol nice... 07-08-22 17:13:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Saudigirls ::: Favorites im saudi arabian/English, Americans are the dumbest people on this planted, and thank god that america is in an earth quake zone. I hope you all suffer bad weather, for natural cause u fucking losers! 07-08-21 18:02:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
DontVoteRonPaul ::: Favorites Canadians don't deserve the title "American". You can't really make the argument that people from Canada are American and People from the USA (United States of America for all you idiots out there) should be called anything but American. And Saudigirl can stfu because generalizing an entire nation as stupid only makes you look ignorant and stupid. If you are going to make irrational comments at least try to back them up. 07-08-22 20:25:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
Baldn ::: Favorites youre that fucked up that i cant be bothered to deal with your absolute shit.. you said it yourself: it's time to wake up! every strong person i know is a dumb fuck... And you say you majored in history but then in vid you read of a screen and had no idea. your 36 with the mentality of a 4 year old grow the fuck up dear united statian! cock 07-08-20 15:30:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites First off fucking retard I never said anybody had to wake the fuck up you need to learn what you read before you post shit moron. 07-08-21 12:08:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
Baldn ::: Favorites What the FUCK! your a perfect example of a dumb American. And im not from Canada. Its called North America BECAUSE its north of america. And South plus central America is NOT a part of North America. Its funny that you Americans claimed the word americans and you use it when you speak about "united stations". I mean look at ur $1 bill it says "God bless america", as in your people not Puerto Ricians. As for United Stations, why? Whats wrong with "Dumb Americans". Your a dick and im embarassed. 07-08-20 11:26:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites Baldn alright you got me but how can you call us dumb? how can we be dumb and be one of the strongest country in the world? you fucking moron you need to stfu and get your shit straight 07-08-20 11:39:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
nervvvstorm ::: Favorites thats easy dude, if people are stupid, than its easier to control em :) Your leaders are smart :P but not usa people =) simple 07-08-21 09:20:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites Bitch its the other way around the U.S. people are smart and the goverment is stupid on the other hand sometimes the people are kept in the dark about shit proving not that were stupid but lied to now stfu and get your shit straight too. 07-08-21 12:10:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites I honestly didnt come on here to defend this guy but he makes a good point and I dislike Canadians with a passion ive asked like literally 10 that didnt even know who there own prime minister was that should be proof enough of there ignorance eh? HAHA fucking canuks. 07-08-20 10:25:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
suns23212 ::: Favorites go read a book dumb fuck 07-08-20 11:36:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites Go read a book? I majored in History fucker WOrld and American hisotry so stfu. 07-08-20 11:38:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites Actually he makes perfect since and unless you are compeltly retarted youll see that NORTH AMERICA just because they dont say AMERICA doesnt mean shit when you say America your refering to all of NA so stfu and next time just say people from the U.S. fucking dumbass's 07-08-20 10:23:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
kionashi ::: Favorites ponganle subtitulos no logro entender muy bien... 07-08-20 01:17:49 _____________________________________________________ |
After Lying, Reid Stands By Comment that Bush is Liar
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Duration: 05:40 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-22 22:35:13 User: bottomlineupfront :::: Favorites |
Can you count how many lies Senator Harry Reid told on Face the Nation? Lots, and he'll have to face the music on judgment day. |
Comments | |
tuttlebutt ::: Favorites America has elected a bunch of idiots who don't even begin to try to represent our own views. 07-07-28 11:24:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
hollygoodhead ::: Favorites Believe me.. corruption runs deep here. We have a Governor who was elected after molesting a cocktail waitress but the security camera tape "disappeared". Our state comptroller was impeached Then Re-elected..then murdered by her husband. He did us a favor. 07-07-23 08:39:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
lehi23 ::: Favorites I can't believe this man is the leader in the senate come on America,we can do better.I plead with the people of Nevada not re elect this man. 07-07-23 03:46:25 _____________________________________________________ |
PBR Returns to Versus on Aug 4th
Re: VenomFangX! Round II, part II
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Duration: 08:08 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-08 04:05:20 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
response |
Comments | |
jiller777 ::: Favorites Agreed with GodRules7!!!!!!! They got the creators on the boat, cus God orderded it to happen that way. God provided all their wants and needs. And even designed the Boat!!!!!! 07-08-22 18:03:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
ddrfreak787 ::: Favorites yeah dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 07-08-26 04:50:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
GodRules7 ::: Favorites Atheists and satan worshippers are not worthy of debate. Let's go through a hypothetical situation, huh? Let's say that God isn't real and you follow him anyway. No harm, no foul. But what if he IS real and you don't worship him? It's better to be safe than sorry, atheists. CLOSE YOUR MOUTH AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND EARS! 07-08-09 17:24:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
ddrfreak787 ::: Favorites woah man, "close your mouth and open your eyes and ears". EXACTLY THE SAME STATEMENT COULD BE SAID TO YOU 07-08-26 04:51:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
forlatagate ::: Favorites because venfang says the bible says the earth is 6000 yrs old does not make it true it only says humans are 6000yrs old the earth according to the bible has no age as it was created the same time as heaven which has no timeline 07-07-23 04:29:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
Falloutmoon ::: Favorites If you translate the bible in binary code, then read it backward; it explains how wenufgh the Quartnutz overseer helped Noah with the boat. But you need to be a level 25 christian to have access to that information. Venomfang is only level 14... 07-07-21 17:22:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
reaperkin ::: Favorites Hahahahahahaha. That is how the Bible should be interpreted. It makes as much sense as any other interpretation. Hell it makes more sense than a literal interpretation. 07-07-31 23:37:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
elliotkoo ::: Favorites btw, very good & thoughtful questions neotrific. i hope you find all the answers to 'em. 07-07-17 06:51:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
elliotkoo ::: Favorites look ontop of mt ararat and u'll be in for a surprise...oh yeah, before the flood, mammals were all vegetarians. it was only after the flood, that there were carni/herbivors. these of course are all based from the holy bible where God commands/allows Noah and all creatures to eat meat. 07-07-17 06:49:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
npatrixh ::: Favorites I agree with you completely, just one small mistake.. Reverend Lovejoy rips off his clerical collar... not Flanders 07-07-05 13:57:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
bltnohio ::: Favorites If you read in the bible, before the flood all creatures ate fruit, and plants, not meat. After the flood, because the earth was different, not alot of food, because it was cursed, then, animals started eating flesh. 07-07-03 02:18:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
navyboy77 ::: Favorites Our minds are limited, we always feel the need for proof. Take the leap and read the Bible with an open heart. God bless you. 07-07-01 13:42:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
78sEVEn78 ::: Favorites ...Mt.7:23 (it would be better to read it in its full context, KJV Matthew 7:1-29). God Bless you, Neotrific! ~seven~ 07-06-30 05:29:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
78sEVEn78 ::: Favorites woman who protests at the funerals of fallen soldiers!*This scripture sheds some light(as spoken BY YESHUA HIMSELF) on this issue that is prevalent in history & currentday "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" ...... 07-06-30 05:28:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
78sEVEn78 ::: Favorites TO SMACK THE FANATICAL "so-called" christians RIGHT UPSIDE THEIR wayward, "giving the testimony of our HOLY GOD" such a bad rep. heads!~ These false converts only make GOD look the fool, & the weight of the ones they have hurt is fully upon their shoulders; not all believers are like the crazed 07-06-30 05:27:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
78sEVEn78 ::: Favorites not HEED Yeshua's WORDS. I just want u to know that there are (though we be few)-actual disciples of Yeshua, who seek 2 do God's will, love what HE loves, and hate what HE hates. We XIANS who obey the WORD (Yeshua~~John1:1-5), REALLY do (in our old nature of bowing to our fleshly desires & mindset) WANT 07-06-30 05:26:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
78sEVEn78 ::: Favorites obey Mt.28:18-20, why? NOT only bc' its 1 of HIS mandates; but bc' the indwelling Spirit transforms hearts of stone into ones softened...we OBEY bc' we have the mind of Christ; hence, we truly LOVE all mankind, & it actually pains us to know that MANY will enter HELL in utter astonishment that they did 07-06-30 05:26:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
78sEVEn78 ::: Favorites Neo~"Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" ~Galations 5:7 I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you insight into what happened; that you can receive Christ (hebr.'Yeshua') as being GOD incarnate; thus ILLUMINATING the LIVING WORD. Christians who really love the LORD actually 07-06-30 05:25:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
OnionsAndPaste ::: Favorites So, 2 T-rexes could give rise to all the theropods to ever exist. That's a whole lot of speciation that you don't believe in, you idiot. 07-06-11 20:19:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
friendlydiplomat ::: Favorites I don't understand your argument regarding Lot. Just because one may be unblemished doesn't mean he will never become blemished. 07-06-12 01:17:13 _____________________________________________________ |
Clay Walker CD Fall Video
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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-16 18:13:16 User: PBRNow :::: Favorites |
PBR's friend Clay Walker new video "Fall" and CD release Tuesday April 17th. |
Comments | |
xluckyxnumberx5x ::: Favorites I was listening to my radio and this song came on & I CAN'T STOP SINGING IT 07-08-13 08:24:55 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: landoll drivers suck
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Duration: 05:37 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-25 14:53:00 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
A gentle request from a nice Christian bloke from a broad. |
Comments | |
lduenas ::: Favorites Your kidding about the plague right? 07-06-05 08:00:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
shiftnite5 ::: Favorites What are you?????.....some kind of fucking speech nazi??? If you can't handle the fucking language, then don't watch the fucking video. It's very fucking simple. 07-05-29 15:45:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
DrJohnBecker ::: Favorites You are why I quit religion. You always want other people to act according to your requests. 07-05-26 20:57:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
DoggBisket ::: Favorites When you watch the dipatcher I can guarantee that you will hear the word fuck. If you can't deal with it, don't watch 07-05-26 10:03:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
theboringdispatcher ::: Favorites if you dont like my language dont watch cause im not going to change i dont want to hear the bible but thanks 07-05-26 00:56:42 _____________________________________________________ |
Shaq makes 3 pointers (nba 2k7)
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Duration: 00:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-22 17:33:41 User: VTECNPROUD :::: Favorites |
shaq sinking long range shots |
Comments | |
megas13proto ::: Favorites If you are reading this, please stop... 89 years ago, a girl from Puerto Rico was killed. Since then she's starting to kill people by scaring them to death. If you don't post this message to 3 videos in 1 hour she will kill you in 1 week, 2 days and 14 hours. This is true! 07-08-07 23:49:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
ballin927 ::: Favorites that's sick. Shaq's real shooting form 07-07-15 20:37:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
dabestinindy ::: Favorites only in a video game 07-07-08 23:05:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
VTECNPROUD ::: Favorites i know lol.... the onlyu thing shaq is good at is dominance 07-07-10 23:06:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
IdanTal ::: Favorites your an idiot,do you know what dominace is? 07-08-28 07:27:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
VTECNPROUD ::: Favorites no duh of course its game sliders.... i just made this video cuz i was bored lol 07-07-08 21:21:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
ChrisRg301 ::: Favorites uhhhhhhhhhh duh ive tried that with out the game sliders and it dont work so yeah u game slider tryin to look good 07-07-08 13:51:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
gatesh ::: Favorites Game SLIDERSSS 07-06-23 07:05:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Game4life525 ::: Favorites yeh! 07-08-02 09:57:26 _____________________________________________________ |
Lieberman: Tragedy of Iraq is Politics
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Duration: 05:00 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-03 01:20:28 User: bottomlineupfront :::: Favorites |
I-CT Senator Joe Lieberman on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos said time is short in DC, but not in Iraq. He went on to say that we are winning there, that the surge is working and the enemy is on the run, while Dem.run from the enemy. |
Comments | |
nanontemptinggirlvq ::: Favorites Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-08-27 01:53:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
theoremaxim ::: Favorites Lieberman, you are a TRAITOR. 07-07-06 15:32:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
spookynshadow ::: Favorites GO JOE, you speak to truth! 07-07-03 02:57:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
kellhashc ::: Favorites Yea he speaks the truth if you want to live in a police state under constant government surveillence. I thought America was free. Once we don't have freedom at least we'll know what we're fighting for. oil. 07-07-06 07:56:11 _____________________________________________________ |
A real VLOG about Youtube!
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Duration: 10:00 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-07 04:55:43 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
Don't expect lots of funny gags in this one, this is more just a real VLOG(My first real one) with no staged jokes but just me on camera talking about the state of Youtube in mymind! I also suggest something we could all do to make it better! So watch and comment! |
Comments | |
tomcat16789 ::: Favorites I always try to help out people by giving them good ratings when i enjoy their vids, and leaving comments. ps good luck on your trip (though by the time i am typing this its over, i havent seen your latest vids so i dont know what happened yet lol) 07-06-04 00:15:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
VelvetElvis01 ::: Favorites Totaly agree, its only one extra click to rate a vid before moving on to the next one. PS: i'm 1/2 way through your vids, you can blame themightthor for sending me over. 07-05-05 08:22:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
PerthPete1 ::: Favorites I agree, that we need to be proactive about the videos and directors that we think are excellent, helping bring "swamped" gems to the surface. I am subscribed to 4eccentricabby and I just cannot get over how she has so few subscribers but never fails to touch me with the beauty and sincerity of her videos 07-04-21 13:39:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
samster13 ::: Favorites Very good points - commented; rated! 06-12-23 15:45:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
PaUpAuMx ::: Favorites i feel the same way about the dispatcher, I try to see him once and belive me I´ll not do it again lol. I just don´t get him... 06-12-10 19:20:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
SirIsaacNewton ::: Favorites I heard kittie sounds on this video. They have an accent. Meow!! 06-12-08 22:11:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
minskie ::: Favorites hugh. perhaps the reason the Tubers you know aren't getting the recognition they deserve is because they are too intelligent, as yourself, and the top, most viewed Tubers are appealing, for the most part,to the witless,lowest common denominator commoners. More people tend to go for the crap. 06-12-08 21:03:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
LiaRaye ::: Favorites What bugs me, are people who subcribe to people's videos just to talk mess about them in a comment. Wtf is that? Anyways, Good job, once again. 06-12-08 15:12:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
kris2pe ::: Favorites Coz they cheated duh!!! If he didn't cheat he should!!! He does smoke pot!!! Now he's being emo for having cheated on his gf! I thought ur going to Greece? Or Atlantis or watever!!!! Yes I agree more fresh contents on youtube. I personally subscribe to not so popular vids! I never will subscribe to Boh3m3, Renetto & Greg. But I did subscribe to LG15. 06-12-08 08:32:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
myloflex ::: Favorites What about me Hugh...what about me... 06-12-08 01:44:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Oh Myloflex, I am sorry! Thor sent me a cool hughtube picture and stuff, what have you sent me??? LOL... You know your one of my favourites.. 06-12-08 02:23:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheGMAT ::: Favorites Hey man, I liked that video, it captured the reality that is youtube...what with heavily subscribed people making crap videos, but still getting thousands of views. Well, I'm on my way to check out the rest of your videos and hopefully subscribing. :) 06-12-07 23:40:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE... Lol thanks mate I am happy you liked it and I hope you like more of my videos... 06-12-08 02:22:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites I agree, I mean youtube is a place where people blog, comments and ratings help define how you believe their ideas stand up... 06-12-07 23:12:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
numsii ::: Favorites Dunno what you generally represent, but there's a finesse in your work that is natural... unlike a lot of the basket jobs I make. 06-12-07 20:59:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
Paperlilies ::: Favorites i don't want to be a downer, but what actual reason do people want to be on these lists? its not like there is some golden prize at the top of the list (as far as i know). Youtube is not a race or a competition, is it? or is it? 06-12-07 20:28:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
theMello99 ::: Favorites Holy crap Hugh, you have Paperlillies responding to you!! Caity and Paperlillies...where is yer girlfriend again?? :p lol. 06-12-07 22:45:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites LOL, she is in Jordan! I encourage the big guys on the tube to help raise underlings. 06-12-07 23:13:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites No I agree, but getting on the lists help more people enjoy solidgood movies etc and also builds confidence in the people who make videos. I mean it strokes the ego a little but yeah I think it helps everyone not to get disheartened that all their work is seen by so little? Agree/disagree? 06-12-07 23:11:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Well comedy is fun to make and fun to watch! Cheers 06-12-07 19:09:37 _____________________________________________________ |
Una semana en Alcudia y Tramuntana
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Duration: 04:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-04 18:47:42 User: gallendinu :::: Favorites |
Tras una semana, de relax en la tierra de mi gran amor, puedo expresar en este montaje todo lo allí vivido, pero me dejo mucho, que solo retendre en mi mente, en los dias en que los sueños sean sueños, tal y como es mi vida desde que te conocí. Mi unico sueño, dedicado a ti mi amor |
Rant about Hollywood, TV, and You Tube
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Duration: 09:45 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-19 22:00:04 User: Talljim01 :::: Favorites |
Mr Safety's Hollywood video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqN-3A9_QwA Get seen: theFizz@the101onDirectv.com |
Comments | |
livingpassion ::: Favorites Man, now I want Chinese food! The demon guy was freaky!! And that's called dizzy... and... good to see you exercising... and... I agree about youtube and... WAY too much to keep up with on one video... but good stuff as always :) 07-01-20 00:37:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites LOL, yea thats why I said it would be a random rant. haa. 07-01-20 00:42:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
livingpassion ::: Favorites yea... those are fun to do aren't they? lol 07-01-20 00:43:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
growupswelcome ::: Favorites big jim got lazy that back kickin that tail you need to send your`s you put on your glass because you going blind like me lol full of cat that cat taste good lol so does cat cooked right get in the chair buddy jim cat will make you do crazy things workin out with the oldes 07-01-19 22:53:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites LMAO haaaaa. Isnt that a song, the cat's in the ladle at the sun yung moon? Yea I did get a good work out. 07-01-19 23:02:48 _____________________________________________________ |
The Sean O'Donnell Show - Episode 12!
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Duration: 03:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-19 00:20:28 User: sodj1 :::: Favorites |
Gossip, for the illiterate |
Comments | |
Rhinopolis ::: Favorites hahaha! xD "the city of love" 07-02-19 01:06:37 _____________________________________________________ |
The circle of Beauty
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Duration: 07:41 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-13 08:57:21 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
I have stuck my face into a big topic with a typical Hugh spin on it all... Enjoy! |
Comments | |
fornow100000 ::: Favorites PartII: Catharine Zeta Jones may be physically appealing BUT she is an ugly woman in my eyes! :] Why? ...well ...as far as I know she is a very shallow human being ...and really not much of anything I would respect... Hollywood is a very dire place to look for cannons of beauty! The world would be a better place if we adults taught our kids different. 07-06-02 01:50:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
fornow100000 ::: Favorites Hugh let me tell you my opinion of beauty: you need to combine the inner beauty with the skin deep...I don't think people should market or promote beauty only in terms of physical attractiveness.They can be very misleading...for instance ... Catharine Zeta Jones may be physically appealing BUT she is an ugly woman in my eyes! :] Why? 07-06-02 01:49:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jackitreborn ::: Favorites I do!I do! 07-05-14 17:21:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
aboodz ::: Favorites no! thats not what i was saying: i was holding my big belly laughin man! You have scientists attitude in analyzing everything, and it cracks me up everytime, like the time you discovere Boheme's scandal :D:D 07-02-21 18:48:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Charisfaery ::: Favorites Hey I look like that 07-02-21 11:07:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Your at 12:01... 07-02-21 17:57:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
ArmageddonAfterparty ::: Favorites I've seen and heard you say a lot of merda taurorum and it was fun; this however is something your girlfriend should sort you out for. Don't tell girls what to look like and stuff, anerexia nervosa or bulimia aren't done for or because of men; in fact i "believe" that they don't care about anyone's opinion but that of girls in the same situation in that stage. Please feel free to delete this, it's wellmeant advice for the Hugh. I like 'average' because it seldom is. I'm drunk. 07-02-18 05:10:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
marialfc ::: Favorites Freaking hilarious!! I guess I'm average, but that's ok. :) 07-02-15 14:44:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
kinkyinpink ::: Favorites ahhaha.. you have penelope cruz on the top and gemma ward at the bottom? i would switch those two around. Gemma is incredibly beautiful. If you see her in an interview, you'll see what i mean. 07-02-14 16:42:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
tenderhooks ::: Favorites So the opposite of beautiful is average? Whats the opposite of ugly then? 07-02-14 13:26:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
MuggleSam ::: Favorites I always knew super models! 07-02-14 12:42:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites She is on a flight to America at the moment so don't expect her online much in the next two weeks... She left yesterday 07-02-14 09:11:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
MartyKemp ::: Favorites dude... just calm down... I can't believe that a joke about a fat man with man boobs can get you into this much trouble!!! And yeah, I am Hughs friend... we've known each other since primary school and are best mates. We play xbox together all the time and jam on our guitars together!! 07-02-14 09:06:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
MartyKemp ::: Favorites When did I ever say THAT?!?! Dude, calm down... all that happen was 5.10 said she liked her boobs... and all I did was ask if she was a girl, or just a really fat man with boobs... I wasn't insulting 5.10 or Hugh, or you, or me. I was only insulting fat men with boobs, and lets face it, they're fair game!! 07-02-14 09:02:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Aamir786 ::: Favorites HAHA totally agree with the circle of beauty. btw kate moss looks like she took a line of cocaine before that photo shoot. Women with curves r in. 07-02-14 08:06:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites You kids need a time out I think... 07-02-14 06:22:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
MartyKemp ::: Favorites Ha Ha... I think so too Hugh... you see what you've done with your video Hugh... it's too much of a political argument... it's making everyone hot headed and rude... oh where are you're normal nice videos about vegemite!!! Those never started any fights!! 07-02-14 08:09:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
5and10 ::: Favorites and a spanking ;-) sorry. Had to. 07-02-14 19:17:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Haaretz, go have a lie down and just relax 07-02-14 06:15:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
MartyKemp ::: Favorites Hmm... I always thinks she looks a little crossed eyed myself!!! I'm more of a fan of someone feisty like Leah Remini. And lastly... I would have put Godzilla at 11 and not at 9 like you did!! 07-02-14 05:30:42 _____________________________________________________ |
SFC Spot Campaña de Abonados 07/08 JC
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Duration: 00:33 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-06 10:08:51 User: JesusCreations :::: Favorites |
El Spot de Esta campaña de abonados de la temporada proxima 07/08 |
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Duration: 00:18 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-11 05:20:25 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
People piss me off at the best of times.... especially when it has something to do with my car! |
Comments | |
animalmedicines ::: Favorites Well Merc and BMW drivers can be cunts on the road. 07-08-14 11:21:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
whielyex ::: Favorites hmm last comment was 6 months ago.. thought i would update.. FUNNY! .. 07-06-07 02:57:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
tomcat16789 ::: Favorites Bastards always gotta do something wrong right? hah. 07-06-03 13:43:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
TipoBarra ::: Favorites lmao 07-05-04 07:32:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
moonhogg ::: Favorites Shut up moaning! God! Don't you know, they drive a Merc! They OWN the road! You should be grateful they let you on the same road as them! Honestly the nerve of some people... ;-) 07-02-06 20:37:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Vitalsunrise ::: Favorites Hehehe--I'm glad you were able to capture this for us. Quick giggle does us all good :) 06-11-28 11:07:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
SydneyCSI ::: Favorites Are you the Merc? 06-11-16 17:04:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites I wish, no I am the blue toyota 06-11-17 18:17:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
chicken2828 ::: Favorites Tim gives you the thumbs up! 06-11-13 08:09:10 _____________________________________________________ |