Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Arriving at Stinky Poopy

Duration: 20 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-12 13:22:45
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Dad makes the GPS device say "Stinky Poop." The kids are not amused.

Romllig770 ::: Favorites
You know what nalts, If you're the one who made the video, then you son is right, That is incredibly immature, How would you feel if your son just used the toilet and didn't flush, Yeah that would be very immature.
07-05-21 01:09:31
Romllig770 ::: Favorites
Their dad's a jerk!
07-05-22 20:25:35
eaunan ::: Favorites
This is an absolute FAVORITE video!!! So funny!
07-06-02 22:25:04
Koss93 ::: Favorites
07-06-03 00:35:16
clintgann ::: Favorites
LMAO very good stuff
07-06-05 15:23:03
dblau15080 ::: Favorites
What a great video! We are actually bros under the skin; I do silly things like this and when my son was young he used to roll his eyes all the time. What a hoot!
07-06-06 05:49:30
WindsorFox ::: Favorites
Yep, I think the comments on your page pretty much sum it up.
07-06-17 03:37:20
shiningfork ::: Favorites
07-06-20 16:19:55
Romllig770 ::: Favorites
07-06-21 03:40:23
hotguy8323 ::: Favorites
LMAO!! Poor kids went for a ride to stinky poop...ha!
07-06-22 20:34:51

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