Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Coming Out to Dad

Duration: 87 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-28 13:19:11
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Nalts "comes out of the closet" to his dad.

sophiaal ::: Favorites
it's a fabulous feeling having no hair...
07-05-04 19:56:27
MuggleSam ::: Favorites
When my hair is in a ponytail that is when I want to chop it all off!
07-05-04 19:59:40
wangster610 ::: Favorites
Ugh, I used to take the NJ transit.
07-05-06 04:54:00
spudea ::: Favorites
I'm sure that guy is pretending to be asleep. You are crazy :)
07-05-07 15:31:40
theKongofCool ::: Favorites
i hope it wasn't your real dad. i'd feel bad about laughing at his fatty chin if it was. i don't think it's your real dad though, so haha on him. tss, fatty fat chin.
07-05-07 17:13:37
chr0nic187 ::: Favorites
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07-05-07 18:25:35
ufo77777 ::: Favorites
gaynetto you suck and your stupid poor looser family too specialty your transexual wife with her big addam apple of hers and her drug problem she is a fucking addict and your poor stupid kids they are pick at school thank's to you for been a fucking stupid morron on you tube poor kids they are pick on daily at school where is child services to take away this ass hole
07-05-09 15:49:35
gu88766 ::: Favorites
wow. could you comment on my videos? i need comments like this one. they're really enlightening and they tell me what's important in life.
07-05-13 20:32:22
KatyMayBates ::: Favorites
Hey! That's my dad !!!
07-05-20 18:37:03
IARE1031 ::: Favorites
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA! Is he hanging his head in shame at the very end? I hope not!
07-05-21 15:24:13

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