Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Barack Obama -- National Sovereignty Will Prevail!

Duration: 221 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-25 01:57:44
User: onespiece
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NEW American Union Is Underway....Havn't Heard about it?! I Bet You Havn't

FCDRIFTER ::: Favorites
Why is Barack Obama in the title? Does he want the North American Union? He is CFR right? So he would want it just like Hillary. The question should be, which candidate doesn't.
07-06-25 16:05:58
midwestcharm ::: Favorites
This would benefit Mexico and Canada at first, until we use up all their resources and push our demands on them and buy up all their cheap property and sell it too high for them to afford it.
07-06-25 17:07:53
klqco ::: Favorites
I am sure that he didnot intend for people to have this piece of the corporate puzzle.
07-06-25 19:17:46
lidixmang ::: Favorites
Obama is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) a non-government group that decides the fate of countries, without the consent of the Congress or the people... Obama looks nice on TV, but he's just another side of the same coin of elitist politics.
07-06-26 01:53:59
punjabisikhwarrior ::: Favorites
Why doesn;t Lou Dobbs recognize Ron Paul... they have the same beliefs in protecting national sovernigty and defending the constitution?
07-07-07 01:14:54
JizzonTheDark ::: Favorites
Because CNN has him by the short and curlies. He can only go so far. If you listen to Dobbs & Olbermann and hear the message of Ron Paul, any reasonable person can put it together. Sadly some can't quite fit the pieces.
07-07-20 06:07:39
JizzonTheDark ::: Favorites
I'm putting all my dollars into the yen so I can get a better exchange rate when the Amero comes out. Suckers! Too bad there isn't a presidential candidate out there who will stop this upcoming rape of American's savings.. or is there? Ron Paul? Who's he?
07-07-20 06:13:57
Andoseroby ::: Favorites
Ron Paul and Mike Gravel don't support the North American Union.
07-08-06 19:00:14
JimLundberg ::: Favorites
I think his job depends on who he supports in public.
07-08-07 21:34:55
JimLundberg ::: Favorites
The SPP appears to be something that the Bush administration wants as SOMETHING to leave as a legacy. Yeah, sure, give the country away before anyone is looking. That's how they passed the USA PATRIOT act, without ANYBODY reading it accept maybe Ron Paul.
07-08-07 21:36:59

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