Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-15 03:17:28
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neener1234 ::: Favorites
These types of things just don't happen. Very serious. Where was Cheney?
07-09-17 16:20:25
Budvb ::: Favorites
was it 5 or 6 nukes? someone clear this up hate it to be they loaded 6 nukes and only got 5 back hmm... If there is one missing I hope its not in the wrong hands and just misplaced!
07-09-17 03:05:57
ThinkTankedUSA ::: Favorites
Another conspiracy theory, you all are NUTS, there's no nuclear weapons! Trust your government! You're either with us or against us! There's nothing to see here! You're all INSANE! Go Bush! Support your troops! Send them to war for 20 years!..... err sorry just getting my thoughts in order in case Ron Paul loses the primaries.
07-09-17 01:09:56
BUDDAWG2004 ::: Favorites
what if it went off in san fransisco by accident? what a shame....maybe not
07-09-17 00:18:44
darbymsu ::: Favorites
"they didn't know they were on the wings" That's fucking bullshit... how stupid do you think we are????
07-09-16 20:42:42
1787patriot ::: Favorites
Attention Military Personal: Please Do as Your Oath you have Taken States. Protect The USA and Uphold The Constitution. The Only Law Document that truly binds us all here in the USA. You Control The Machine. And You Can Stop any Civil War or war on The USA's Citizens Please do what is Right Always Protect us Gentlemen. and We Will Support You In Doing So. Thank You For Your Commitment, It Is The Greatest and most Honorable act one can do. "Peace Whenever Possible, Anything Is."
07-09-16 16:40:02
oyate1960 ::: Favorites
Want to know what happened here? Bushco was going to nuke Iran--or nuke somebody and blame it on Iran. People on the inside leaked this information because lots of people on the inside still have integrity. This time, brave and quick action prevented an unprovoked nuclear assault. But this will only set them back for a few weeks or months.
07-09-16 15:07:16
roodala ::: Favorites
Oddly "They want answers" only now after CNN knows. Where was this 24 hr stand down a month ago.
07-09-16 12:39:15
roodala ::: Favorites
CNN your late on this one, I heard about this flyover last week from a youtuber.
07-09-16 12:28:58
vonerotateca ::: Favorites
Are we safe yet?
07-09-16 12:08:25

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