Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 09:09:30
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toriesturdy5911 ::: Favorites
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07-09-18 11:37:40
billiefan2000 ::: Favorites
olbermann needs to start putting far left folks on his list cause folks like Ernie Chambers says racist things that are 10 times worse than Hannity or Brit Hume
07-09-13 18:06:05
RaggedyAynne ::: Favorites
LIberals are so ignorant
07-09-13 09:51:51
JohnBucketHoweVai ::: Favorites
good points, but at leats you could crub it by 90%
07-09-12 19:35:39
JohnBucketHoweVai ::: Favorites
thats a stupid quote, he's just ripping off Benjamin Franklin "the man who would abandon liberty for safty deserves neither" But then again, Ron Paul is so old, he probably herd that from franklin himself. You ron paul fan boys need to stop poluting youtube with his bullshit. Nobody wants another republican!
07-09-12 19:34:31
JohnBucketHoweVai ::: Favorites
iits hard to lose an election when you steal it. Are you seriously attacking liberals for being informed? You must be a christian. If jesus asked you to suck his cock, would you do it?
07-09-12 19:31:36
kajqrd ::: Favorites
No, you're wrong... He only lost once. And even that time he, through hard core nepotism still got "elected". I am ashamed that my country still have diplomatic ties to that administration.
07-09-08 17:02:26
giosig ::: Favorites
It just amazes me how well read and highly educated these liberals are. Every I dotted and T crossed. Anyone that disagrees with their view has to be ignorant, uneducated, trailer trash. How can anyone compete with such intelligence and breading ? Just perfection. Now I understand why Bush lost the election. Twice. Oh, he didn't did he? You pompous ass holes.
07-08-31 20:59:06
giosig ::: Favorites
olbermann is a real fucking ass hole. real.
07-08-31 20:57:13
JamJHolmes ::: Favorites
Hannity, the loudmouth loser
07-08-31 03:46:24

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