Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 06:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 20:03:58
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beckweth ::: Favorites
That's the same crapola alcoholics use.
07-08-19 16:37:18
midwestcharm ::: Favorites
They need more time to figure out which Iranian targets are best to hit.
07-08-18 08:16:28
Hopeful71 ::: Favorites
What blows my mind is who the heck is still signing up for military service? Everyone I know that is in the miliary has or is getting out ASAP, several of which were planning on a career in the military. Who wants to die for this?
07-08-17 08:15:29
GodlessLife ::: Favorites
Letting the military (part of the Military/Industial/Political) of the hook like the USA does is amazing. Petraus knows it is the oil just like the rest of the crew.
07-08-17 07:29:58
eyeofmark ::: Favorites
That reporting on the lack of Iraqi progress is deeply disturbing.
07-08-17 04:17:05
chatiezmeow ::: Favorites
DevBlazed, Usa is ultimately union based on ideology, your constitution pretty much sums it up. Hows that ideology been doing lately? Would your constitution pass, even parts of it, today in washington? Theres lots of power in table and not many takers.
07-08-17 03:19:30
plzhelpj ::: Favorites
I like those words.
07-08-17 01:12:35
annarboriter ::: Favorites
It's about time that we see all of the delayed expectations pointed out by journalists. The story is not just about what is said or done by how the words do and don't correspond with the deeds.
07-08-17 00:58:36
trudrewski ::: Favorites
Watch "Iraq for Sale" on google video. Why the press does not report on the real reason we are there is the biggest question.
07-08-16 23:20:05
SoBanned ::: Favorites
Republicans have led the U.S.A. astray. Democrats haven't done a damn thing about it. Bush will leave office and the War in Iraq for the rest of us to suffer through while he is rolling in his money pile on his ranch/mansion in Texas. Yet he will still have followers because they are morons who can't admit their leader was completely wrong to wage war on false premises. They just watch Fox News because Fox News refuses to remind them how wrong their pathetic leader was on Iraq.
07-08-16 22:57:18

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